Haaii. Assalamualaikum...
Lama rasanya tak menjengah ke sini kan? Agak agak ada ke peminat2 yang rindu ni? Bajet femes ames sangat kau ye. Hahha.
Anyway, dulu rasanya pernah aku janji nak kongsikan tips kurus. Tapi sampai sudah aku tak kongsi2kan. Ye lah, gambar2 semua dalam laptop. Aku banyak mencoret guna Note. Aiseyh.
Before that, mestilah aku nak buat terrooowwbaack sikit. What caused me lose so much weight and why I gained and how and so on? Well, memang normal bila every journey started with one reason. And for my case it was moving on.
So after a year working in Senawang, aku pindah kerja dekat KL. I was happy in Senawang, buktinya kenaikan berat aku pernah sekali mencecah hingga ke 79kg. Aku pun terkejut bila timbang berat and saw that figure. Maybe I was too happy, too comfortable with my life there.
Dan rasa macam kena je dengan jiwa jiwa sendu tu, kebetulan on the day aku join my new company at that time, diorang ada buat pameran pengantin right in front of my shop. For two weeks straight!!! Boleh bayang tak perasaan dia bila kau tengah broken hearted and tetiba kau kena menghadap pameran pengantin. Macam pelamin anganku musnah, you know.
I was like, "Seriously man??. This is the last thing I need right now". Seriously I was distracted and miserable all the time. I went to the toilet just to cry. I cried and cried and cried.
Tapi yang seronoknya bila kita bersedih macam tu, le parents will come visit almost every week. Hew3. I feel like a school girl all over again. Mengadaa. =,="
Ye lah, bila kita dah miserable and sedih all the time, selera makan pun kurang. Aku rasa tak payah kot aku cerita tiap tiap hari aku makan sup sayur rebus je untuk beberapa minggu. Bila balik kampung asyik duduk memerap dalam bilik je. Menghadap syiling rumah and asked God why this thing mesti jado kat aku.
I remembered once. I was in my bedroom at my hometown, staring blankly at the ceiling. Masa tu ayah tak pencen lagi. Ayah called me for lunch. So for the sake nak jaga hati ayah aku keluar pi dapur. Ayah looked at me and asked me to sit down and eat. Aku tengok banyak lauk ayah beli. Siap dah hidang dah. Aku tengok lauk lauk semua sampai telan air liur. Ye lah, kat KL everyday makan sup sayur rebus. Balik kampung tiba tiba lauk ya Rabb. Rasa macam kat syurga pulak.
So aku ambil lah nasi. Setengah pinggan. Serious, aku macam happy sebab finally dapat makan "real food". Aku ambil lauk. Kuah. Aku suap. Satu suap. Dua suap. Tiga suap. Aku berhenti. "Ayah, Ena dah tak larat." Aku tengok ayah. And I saw that my dad was worried. But all he said was," Tak apa. Letak je situ. Nanti ayah habiskan."
Sedih kau tahu,bila tengok ayah macam tu. Aku rasa korang boleh bayangkan perasaan tu macam mana.
Bila balik KL the same thing went on. Aku tak boleh tengok nasi, bau ayam mentah. Even bau minyak pun tak boleh. Aku rasa nak muntah. Pernah jugak cuba makan sushi. Hanya berjaya makan 6 biji seharian. Itu saja. Tapi aku tak kisah. Sebab ada baiknya juga since masa tu aku tak dapat gaji penuh lagi. So memang berjimat cermat macam tu.
So bila selera kurang, badan pun terasa ringan. And that was the point aku terfikir nak live life healthyly. Disebabkan ada sorang colleague yang pernah obese dulu, dan dah berjaya turun berat almost 20 kg and was still on her diet routine,so I joined her. Walaupun tekak susah nak terima,tapi I tried untuk masukkan ayam into my soups. Lepas tu, buat variety sup rebus, sup rebus sayur dengan telur, tomyam sayur dan sebagainya.
Later, I bought my self a weighing scale. I still remembered when I left Senawang, my weight was around 77-78kg. I was that heavy!!! And surprisingly I did nothing about it, until "that" happened.
So bila dah beli weighing scale, tried to weight my self after 2 months macam tu, and my weight was 73 kg. I was happy and told mysefl I must continue to try to be happy and healthy at the same time.
After that, memang aku jaga gila makan. Chocolates, icecream, soda and fast food memang tak pandang. However, once a week mesti ada cheat day. Lana lama on the diet regime I allowed myself some chocolate on cheat day only. Just syarat supaya diri tu tak muntah asyik tengok healthy food. Pun boleh. Hahaha.
Diet punya diet, berat aku went down to 70 kg. I was ecstatic!!! Baju semua makin longgar. Jeans dulu pakai 34, masa tu dah boleh pakai 32. So memang goodbye la Levis India aku tu. Haha.
When I hit 70kg, that was when aku pujuk mami to let me buy a treadmill on loan from her since I didn't have a credit card. She said yes. And I was even more ecstatic.
My weight continued to drop and drop and drop. Sampai lah Raya 2014, my weight was 66kg. I was beyond happy!! Yeeaayy. I didn't have to wear plussize anymore. Woohhooo!!
However, that was when things started to messed up. I screwed my diet really bad. I allowed my self cheats here and there. I didn't exercise as frequent and during that 4 days raya break, my weight increased to 69kg. I was devastated.
But it was hard to start again, you know. I tried to find that momentum back, but I couldn't. My colleague kept on asking me to find inspiration so that I continued with the journey. It was hard,like seriously hard.
I forced myself to exercise after work. Tapi yelah, bila badan dah berat balik, memang kau akan automatically malas. Thanks to Youtube, sebab banyak workout free. Weee~
Tapi, aku tak buat hari hari dah workout. Nor even up to this days. And I was not as strict as before about my diet dah. Hew. Agak sedih jugak macam tu. Hurm.
Anyway, after I got back on track,that was when I hit plateau. Tahu tak plateau tu apa? Sila Google, mekasih. Haha. Basically macam berat kau tak boleh nak turun dah walaupun kau diet or exercise macam biasa. Faham?? And my weight at that time was 67-68kg. Sedih. Sobbbss.
I had this plateau sampai setahun. SETAHUN!!! Can you imagine tak?? Sampai minggu lepas, berat aku masih maintain 67-68kg. But surprise surprise this morning,during our weekly weigh in,( yeah kitorang ada weekly weigh in supaya bagi semangat to each other untuk be healthy) my weight was at 67kg menghampiri 66.5kg. Wooohhhooo!!!
Lama rasanya tak menjengah ke sini kan? Agak agak ada ke peminat2 yang rindu ni? Bajet femes ames sangat kau ye. Hahha.
Anyway, dulu rasanya pernah aku janji nak kongsikan tips kurus. Tapi sampai sudah aku tak kongsi2kan. Ye lah, gambar2 semua dalam laptop. Aku banyak mencoret guna Note. Aiseyh.
Before that, mestilah aku nak buat terrooowwbaack sikit. What caused me lose so much weight and why I gained and how and so on? Well, memang normal bila every journey started with one reason. And for my case it was moving on.
* * * *
So after a year working in Senawang, aku pindah kerja dekat KL. I was happy in Senawang, buktinya kenaikan berat aku pernah sekali mencecah hingga ke 79kg. Aku pun terkejut bila timbang berat and saw that figure. Maybe I was too happy, too comfortable with my life there.
Me and arwah Aja.
21 Mei 2013
Bila I moved to KL, first day I was at my new workplace, the first question the girls asked was, "Aina ada boyfriend?" And you know lah macam mana girls gossip after that kan. Imagine saja sudah.
Dan rasa macam kena je dengan jiwa jiwa sendu tu, kebetulan on the day aku join my new company at that time, diorang ada buat pameran pengantin right in front of my shop. For two weeks straight!!! Boleh bayang tak perasaan dia bila kau tengah broken hearted and tetiba kau kena menghadap pameran pengantin. Macam pelamin anganku musnah, you know.
I was like, "Seriously man??. This is the last thing I need right now". Seriously I was distracted and miserable all the time. I went to the toilet just to cry. I cried and cried and cried.
Tapi yang seronoknya bila kita bersedih macam tu, le parents will come visit almost every week. Hew3. I feel like a school girl all over again. Mengadaa. =,="
Ye lah, bila kita dah miserable and sedih all the time, selera makan pun kurang. Aku rasa tak payah kot aku cerita tiap tiap hari aku makan sup sayur rebus je untuk beberapa minggu. Bila balik kampung asyik duduk memerap dalam bilik je. Menghadap syiling rumah and asked God why this thing mesti jado kat aku.
I remembered once. I was in my bedroom at my hometown, staring blankly at the ceiling. Masa tu ayah tak pencen lagi. Ayah called me for lunch. So for the sake nak jaga hati ayah aku keluar pi dapur. Ayah looked at me and asked me to sit down and eat. Aku tengok banyak lauk ayah beli. Siap dah hidang dah. Aku tengok lauk lauk semua sampai telan air liur. Ye lah, kat KL everyday makan sup sayur rebus. Balik kampung tiba tiba lauk ya Rabb. Rasa macam kat syurga pulak.
So aku ambil lah nasi. Setengah pinggan. Serious, aku macam happy sebab finally dapat makan "real food". Aku ambil lauk. Kuah. Aku suap. Satu suap. Dua suap. Tiga suap. Aku berhenti. "Ayah, Ena dah tak larat." Aku tengok ayah. And I saw that my dad was worried. But all he said was," Tak apa. Letak je situ. Nanti ayah habiskan."
Sedih kau tahu,bila tengok ayah macam tu. Aku rasa korang boleh bayangkan perasaan tu macam mana.
Bila balik KL the same thing went on. Aku tak boleh tengok nasi, bau ayam mentah. Even bau minyak pun tak boleh. Aku rasa nak muntah. Pernah jugak cuba makan sushi. Hanya berjaya makan 6 biji seharian. Itu saja. Tapi aku tak kisah. Sebab ada baiknya juga since masa tu aku tak dapat gaji penuh lagi. So memang berjimat cermat macam tu.
So bila selera kurang, badan pun terasa ringan. And that was the point aku terfikir nak live life healthyly. Disebabkan ada sorang colleague yang pernah obese dulu, dan dah berjaya turun berat almost 20 kg and was still on her diet routine,so I joined her. Walaupun tekak susah nak terima,tapi I tried untuk masukkan ayam into my soups. Lepas tu, buat variety sup rebus, sup rebus sayur dengan telur, tomyam sayur dan sebagainya.
Later, I bought my self a weighing scale. I still remembered when I left Senawang, my weight was around 77-78kg. I was that heavy!!! And surprisingly I did nothing about it, until "that" happened.
So bila dah beli weighing scale, tried to weight my self after 2 months macam tu, and my weight was 73 kg. I was happy and told mysefl I must continue to try to be happy and healthy at the same time.
After that, memang aku jaga gila makan. Chocolates, icecream, soda and fast food memang tak pandang. However, once a week mesti ada cheat day. Lana lama on the diet regime I allowed myself some chocolate on cheat day only. Just syarat supaya diri tu tak muntah asyik tengok healthy food. Pun boleh. Hahaha.
Diet punya diet, berat aku went down to 70 kg. I was ecstatic!!! Baju semua makin longgar. Jeans dulu pakai 34, masa tu dah boleh pakai 32. So memang goodbye la Levis India aku tu. Haha.
When I hit 70kg, that was when aku pujuk mami to let me buy a treadmill on loan from her since I didn't have a credit card. She said yes. And I was even more ecstatic.
Me and le colleagues.
Maaf. Tudung selekeh.
However, that was when things started to messed up. I screwed my diet really bad. I allowed my self cheats here and there. I didn't exercise as frequent and during that 4 days raya break, my weight increased to 69kg. I was devastated.
But it was hard to start again, you know. I tried to find that momentum back, but I couldn't. My colleague kept on asking me to find inspiration so that I continued with the journey. It was hard,like seriously hard.
I forced myself to exercise after work. Tapi yelah, bila badan dah berat balik, memang kau akan automatically malas. Thanks to Youtube, sebab banyak workout free. Weee~
Tapi, aku tak buat hari hari dah workout. Nor even up to this days. And I was not as strict as before about my diet dah. Hew. Agak sedih jugak macam tu. Hurm.
Anyway, after I got back on track,that was when I hit plateau. Tahu tak plateau tu apa? Sila Google, mekasih. Haha. Basically macam berat kau tak boleh nak turun dah walaupun kau diet or exercise macam biasa. Faham?? And my weight at that time was 67-68kg. Sedih. Sobbbss.
I had this plateau sampai setahun. SETAHUN!!! Can you imagine tak?? Sampai minggu lepas, berat aku masih maintain 67-68kg. But surprise surprise this morning,during our weekly weigh in,( yeah kitorang ada weekly weigh in supaya bagi semangat to each other untuk be healthy) my weight was at 67kg menghampiri 66.5kg. Wooohhhooo!!!
Yeah, berat yang tulis kat buku kena tolak 1.50 kg untuk dapatkan berat sebenar.
+ + + + +
Okay. Aku tak rasa pun aku dah break the plateau. Mungkin yang hilang ni sebab turun berat air kot. I don't know for sure.
Tips and tricks on this journey aku akan postkan dalam next entry. I.Allah gambar will come soon.
Picture taken on 24th August 2015
Masih jauh lagi perjalanan aku ni. Banyak lagi yang nak kena improve dari segi exercise and nutrition plan. Memang I have to admit, sekarang sebulan dalam 3 kali jugak makan fast food. Or maybe more. Old habit dies hard, I guess? 😅😅😅
I will continue to post a new entry about this journey, i.Allah.
Alhamdulillah for all the blessings, ya Rabb.