Saturday, April 18, 2015


Hello, hi,

Pernah tak korang rasa bila bangun tidur tu positif gila? Like seriously bangun bangun terus senyum and your mood was like gooooddddd the whole day?

On the other side, pernah tak korang bangun bangun, out of the blue mulut korang terus macam Oh shit. And your mood ke laut the whole day?

Pernah tak pernah tak pernah tak. Pernah ke tidak???

You know what, it's hard you know to keep up the positive attitude all the time. Like sentiasa senyum, cakap sopan santun, lemah lembut. Rasa macam fake fake and fake. Maybe it's just not my nature kot. Kah.

But that's not the point. Bukan lemah lembut sopan santun yang aku nak. Maksud positif itu tenang gitchu. Macam kau rasa everything is okay, things will be okay. Walaupun benda yang kau plan tak jadi, or doesn't happen the way you want it to be, you'd be calm and relax and enjoy every moment of it. Dah moment kenapa.

Basically, itu lah maksud aku. Kekadang susah nak jadi positif ni. You try to be calm, you try to be patient, you try to smile. Still people will look at your negative side. Penat you know, penat. Hurm.

What I usually do bila mood agak agak nak ke laut tu, I'd just goof around with le colleague and it kinda work you know. Like abracadabra mood jadi okay balik yeay. Macam tu lah kot. Or boleh jugak aku tengok Extreme Weight Lost or The Biggest Loser or My 600 lb Life. Macam kesaktian, poof mood terus okay bila tengok orang gemuk jadi kurus. Tiba tiba.

No lah, seriously, bila aku tengok show macam tu dekat youtube seakan ada satu semangat yang meresap ke dalam diri ini, maka nya terus bercita cita untuk workout sehabis baik di rumah sementelah pulang dari kerja. Padahal workout atas tilam siap berdengkur je lah. Pui.

Bila fikir balik, being positive is not that hard. You just find the right focus and you'll be fine. Enjoy what you're doing and smile a lot. I know at times it's kinda hard to put on that game face, but hey, it's life you know.

P/S: I notice lah kan, if I workout before going to bed or after Subuh, I feel a lot more positive and happier And energetic. Maybe you can try working out as well.

Keep smiling and be positive and kick negativity right in the ass. Hew.