Sunday, October 25, 2015

Quick Update on Korea



Haha. Serius sampai sudah aku tak tahu macam mana nak pronounce the word properly. Annaeyo..

Most probably you all dah tahu, I went to Korea on the 19th. In fact, I am writing this blogpost on my last day in Korea in my room at Namsan. I haven't left Korea yet, but I have already miss the place and the people. Seems like I am easily attached,eh?

At this moment, Korea tengah musim luruh @ autumn. So nanti kalau aku post some pictures do expect banyak warna warna kuning, oren dan hijau ye. =)

View from Namsan.
22 October 2015
1817 hours

 In the ITX heading to Nami.
20 October 2015

 Myeondong street.
19 October 2015
 Le Travel Mates.
22 October 2015
 I dengan dayang2. Hew3.
22 October 2015
 Fefeeling model sgt.
20 October 2015
 Oppa!! Saranghae.
20 October 2015
20 October 2015

Ini just quick update je. Nanti dah sampai tahap kerajinan I will update everything lah ek. Still tak boleh nak move on dari Korea. Hahaha

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Diet Menu.

Hi, assalamualaikum.

Okay. Since someone challenged me to lose 5 kg this month, I'd like to make a post on what I eat on a daily basis.

Baru 6 hari aku eat healthy. Aku masak everything from scratch and aku rasa masakan aku sedap. (ehem..ehem..)

Anyhow, aku ade jugak cheat 2 3 hari ni. Well standard lah budak yang baru nak kenal healthy lifestyle ni memang mengada sikit bab makan, kan? Haha apa punya ayat lah.

So, just enjoy the picture okay? Recipe mungkin aku boleh share in the next entry.

Day 1.
Lunch: Spaghetti Aina Tiut with pan fried Salmon
Dinner: Grilled Chicken Breast with Chickpeas and Vegies

Day 2.
Lunch: Arabiatta Spaghetti with Salmon cooked 2 ways.
Dinner: Chicken Balls in tomato sauce.
(In which I ate for lunch on Day 3 since I was too busy to have dinner)
Day 3.
Lunch: Day 2 dinner.
Dinner: Steamed Baramundi in Chilli,Garlic and Lemon sauce.
 (siakap stim limau nama femes nya)
Day 4.
Breakfast: Cornflakes and Yogurt
(This is basically my breakfast everyday. Yum!)
Lunch & Dinner: take outs.
Day 5.
Lunch: Paleo Fried Rice with Prawns
(I substitute the rice with cauliflower)
Dinner: Steamed Baramundi in Chilli, Garlic and Lemon sauce, again.

I always, always and always prepare my meal after I got back from work. Penat? Takdelah. Sekarang ni seakan sangat suka memasak. So passion ke arah situ, tak adalah rasa penat ke apa. And workout I prefer to do it in the morning nowadays.
Cheat day. Argghh!!
Kan best kalau hari hari cheat day. Hurm.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Quick update: Korea and some rambling

Hi, assalamualaikum.

Most people know I'll be leaving for Seoul this 19th.


Aku tak faham kenapa aku seakan tak excited langsung pasal trip yang tak membabitkan negara seperti Singapore, Indonesia dan Thailand ini?

Seriously, I was excited like few months back, but as the date is nearing, I'm feeling nervous and scared at the same time.


Just pray that everything will be fine. Just fine.

Next trip planned:

1. Lombok (24 Feb- 27 Feb 2016)
2. Bandung (13 Mac-16 Mac 2016)
3. Mabul (22 April-26 April 2016)

Anyway, since I made a fuss about losing weight this coming November, Sheila asked me this.
Sakit nya tuh di sini. 

P/S: Aku konpius nak nangis tepi bucu katil ke nak gelak guling guling. =,="

11 October 2015
0155 hrs

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

New journey


I'm embarking a new journey. Don't get me wrong. Aku bukan nak pi mana2. Just embarking a new journey to lose 5kgs by 7th November 2015. Tapi sebelum tu, kita makan puas puas dulu malam ni.

Happy 68kgs me.
I gained since my last post. I know
6 October 2015, 10.18 p.m

Kenapa tibatiba semangat nak lose 5kgs? Well, Fuad, a very dear friend, cakap, jom lose weight sama sama. 5 kilo dulu bulan ni. Nanti 7 November kita timbang. Aku macam, "Urm okay." Tahu, memang aku jawab macam tak yakin. Sebab memang aku tak yakin. Tapi sebab nak bagi semangat kat pakcik sorang ni, ok lah ok lah, kita follow je. Ye, aku memang sweet orangnya. =,="

Kekadang memang aku dah malas nak fikir pasal berat ni. Kejap naik, kejap turun. Kejap aku rasa slim and sexy, kejap aku rasa gemuk macam hippo. Well, perempuan memang macam tu kot?? Entah, aku pun tak mengerti.

Sebelum korang tanya Fuad tu siapa, meh aku jawab dulu. KAWAN. For now. Haha. Tapi tulah, one thing yang tak berapa syok kan, Fuad tu pun F jugak. Dari dulu kalau aku suka kat this one guy atau that guy suka aku, nama dia mesti start dr huruf F, Fadhil, Faiq, Farhan, Faisal, except for A la. Nama dia special sikit. 

Eh, my sentence tu macam as if aku suka je kat Fuad.

Haha. Anyway, just wish me luck guys. Nafsu nak makan membuakbuak dua tiga menjak ni. Harap aku boleh go through this journey bersama Fuad (eceh) dengan jayanya.

p/s: Pakcik, saya harap awak tak baca blog ni. Heeee.
